emotions: recent publications

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7 Risks Of Threatening Your Child With Consequences
Positive reinforcement: Encourage and praise good behavior, focusing on the positives instead of constantly highlighting the negatives.Setting clear expectations: Establish clear, age-appropriate expectations and boundaries for behavior, ensuring that your child understands the rules and the reasons behind them.Natural consequences: Whenever possible, allow children to experience the natural consequences of their actions, helping them to learn from their mistakes and understand the importance of making responsible choices.Logical consequences: When natural consequences are not applicable or safe, implement logical consequences that are directly related to the misbehavior and teach the child how to make better choices in the future.Open communication: Foster open and honest communication by actively listening to your child’s feelings and concerns, validating their emotions, and working together to resolve conflicts or challenges.Modeling appropriate behavior: Demonstrate appropriate behavior and emotional regulation by managing your own emotions and reactions in difficult situations, providing your child with a positive example to follow.Parent-child collaboration: Involve your child in problem-solving and decision-making processes, allowing them to take ownership of their actions and develop a sense of autonomy.While discipline is necessary for teaching children about boundaries and acceptable behavior, relying on threats of consequences can have negative long-term effects on their emotional and psychological well-being.
Facial Expressions in Communication: What They Tell Us 7 Types of Information Our Expressions Reveal 7 Types of Information Our Expressions Reveal
Based on excerpts from this article. Facial expression in communicationWhat do facial expressions tell us? What kinds of information can we gather from seeing the expressions of others? Whether or not we are given contextual clues, what kinds of things can we presume about another person’s state based on their face? Should we consider these as messages sent to us, a form of communication via facial expression, or are they involuntary expressions of an internal state?For example, consider the expression shown by the woman in this photograph I took in 1967 when I was in the highlands of what is now called Papua New Guinea. Consider the diverse information that someone might obtain when observing this expression, totally out of context, just as it appears here: Compare this to the information that could be obtained from the expression shown by another person from Papua New Guinea: What do facial expressions tell us?Each facial expression of emotion communicates very different information, yet they all potentially provide information about the same seven kinds or domains of information, including:We do not know which information domains those actually engaged in a conversation derive from each other’s expressions.