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An Open Letter to Those Who Don’t Feel “Good Enough”
Oftentimes the hardest part of the journey is simply believing you’re worthy of the trip.This short article was inspired by an email we received last night from a new course student:Dear Marc and Angel,Life hasn’t been the easiest on me over this past decade.  I won’t get into all the details now, but these hard times have left me with many cracks.  And although I’ve still managed to be a reasonably successful person, I often struggle desperately with my self-confidence.  I just don’t feel good enough most of the time.  I feel flawed.  I feel like my cracks make me undesirable.  It’s all in my head – I know it is!  But I really need help shifting my mindset.  I need a new outlook.  Do you have any insight that might assist me?Sincerely, A Shy StudentDear Shy Student,It’s time for a quick story about life…Once upon a time there was an elderly woman who needed to walk down to the river every morning to fetch water for drinking, cooking and cleaning.  She carried two buckets with her, filled them up at the riverbank, and walked back with them to her rural cottage home.One of the buckets was newer, perfectly sealed, and held its water flawlessly.  But the second bucket was older and contained a few thin cracks that would leak water onto the ground as the elderly woman walked.  By the time she arrived home, typically about one third of the water in the second bucket had leaked through its cracks.One day, on the walk down to the river, the cracked bucket – who had always felt like it wasn’t as good as the other bucket – said to the elderly woman, “I want you to know that I’ve been leaking water every morning for the past several years.  I’m so sorry for being cracked and making your life more difficult.  I understand if you
Try Again: How to Restore the Faith You Once Had in Yourself
nodded again.Sara started off as a shot put competitor, but spent every single afternoon running and training with the rest of the track team.  She was very competitive, and by the end of our freshman year she was down to 219 pounds.  She also won 2nd place in the countywide shot put tournament that year.  Three years later, during our senior year, she won 3rd place in the 10K run.  Her competitive weight at the time was 132 pounds.There was a time when Sara was convinced that it was impossible to lose weight because, in her past experience, it had never worked out the way she had hoped.  She had completely lost faith in herself.  But, with consistency—with a daily ritual of trying again and again—she restored her faith and achieved the “impossible.”  And when Sara showed up to my 37th birthday (pool) party and BBQ recently, I smiled when I overheard another guest she just met compliment her on her bathing suit and physique.Of course, Sara still works really hard—she tries again—every single day to maintain what she has achieved.And, so do I…Some people get this idea about me, because I’m a New York Times bestselling author who has spent the past decade writing and teaching people how to create more success and happiness in their lives, that I don’t ever fall short and fail miserably in these areas.  But of course, I’m human, so that’s not true at all.  I fall short and fail at things much more than you might imagine, and certainly far more than I’d often like to admit.  And, it feels just as horrible for me as it does for you or anyone else—I absolutely lose faith in myself sometimes.Deep down, of course, I know these negative reactions aren’t helpful.  So I own up to what happened, learn a lesson or two, and then get
40 Quotes that Will Calm Your Mind When You’re at a Crossroads
Those experiences were brutal.  Each of them, naturally, knocked us down and off course for a period of time.  But once we accepted the truth, by giving up our innocent ideals and letting go of the way things used to be, we pressed forward, stronger, and with a greater understanding and respect for life.Getting to the right state of mind—one that actually allowed us to move forward with our lives—required mindful practice.  Because when we were initially faced with each one of those brutal experiences—when we were standing at the forefront of another rocky crossroads in our lives—you better believe our minds were spinning with negative emotions.  We had to learn to catch ourselves in that negative state of emotional unrest, and then consciously calm our minds, so we could think straight, and make the best decisions possible with the hand we’d been dealt.The simplest way of doing this?Proactive daily reminders.It’s all about keeping the right thoughts at the top of your mind every day, so they’re readily available on those inevitable days when you need them most.  For us, that meant sitting down quietly with ourselves every morning and reflecting on precisely what we needed to remember.  We used quotes (many of which are tiny excerpts from our books) like the ones below to do just that.  Some people call them affirmations, or mantras, or prayers, or convictions, but in any case these daily reminders kept us on track by keeping calm, peaceful, productive thoughts and perspectives at the top of our minds, even when life got utterly chaotic.We ultimately learned that peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard realities to deal with—peace means to be in the midst of all those things and
40 Quotes that Will Calm Your Mind When You’re at a Crossroads
Those experiences were brutal.  Each of them, naturally, knocked us down and off course for a period of time.  But once we accepted the truth, by giving up our innocent ideals and letting go of the way things used to be, we pressed forward, stronger, and with a greater understanding and respect for life.Getting to the right state of mind—one that actually allowed us to move forward with our lives—required mindful practice.  Because when we were initially faced with each one of those brutal experiences—when we were standing at the forefront of another rocky crossroads in our lives—you better believe our minds were spinning with negative emotions.  We had to learn to catch ourselves in that negative state of emotional unrest, and then consciously calm our minds, so we could think straight, and make the best decisions possible with the hand we’d been dealt.The simplest way of doing this?Proactive daily reminders.It’s all about keeping the right thoughts at the top of your mind every day, so they’re readily available on those inevitable days when you need them most.  For us, that meant sitting down quietly with ourselves every morning and reflecting on precisely what we needed to remember.  We used quotes (many of which are tiny excerpts from our books) like the ones below to do just that.  Some people call them affirmations, or mantras, or prayers, or convictions, but in any case these daily reminders kept us on track by keeping calm, peaceful, productive thoughts and perspectives at the top of our minds, even when life got utterly chaotic.We ultimately learned that peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard realities to deal with—peace means to be in the midst of all those things and