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20 Ways You Can Become a Powerful Communicator
Some people seem to naturally know how to effectively communicate in a group setting. They can express themselves clearly and listen attentively without dominating the conversation.Being a powerful communicator is important for several reasons, including building and maintaining relationships, achieving goals, resolving conflicts, improving productivity, leading and influencing others, advancing in your career, expressing yourself more confidently and authentically, and improving your mental and emotional well-being. Effective communication is an essential life skill that can benefit you in all aspects of your life.1.  Listen actively: Practice active listening by giving your full attention to the speaker and responding to what they are saying. 2. Use “I” statements: Speak from your own perspective and avoid placing blame or making accusations. 3. Avoid assumptions: Don’t make assumptions about what the other person is thinking or feeling. 4. Be clear: Express your thoughts and feelings clearly and concisely by getting to the point and avoid using jargon or overly complex language. 5. Show empathy: Show that you understand and care about the other person’s feelings. 6. Offer valuable insights: When speaking in a group, provide a valuable takeaway or actionable item that people can walk away with. 7. Be an active listener: Listen attentively and respond accordingly, incorporating your points into the conversation. 8. Choose the right time: Pick the most opportune time to speak to ensure that you have the group’s attention and can deliver your message without interruption. 9. Be the unifying voice: Step in and unify the group’s thoughts to calm down the discussion and insert your point effectively. 10. Keep responses
The Imbalanced Problem with Work/Life Balance
Balance…it requires an equal distribution of value between two or more subjects to maintain steady composure and equitable proportionality.Balance is used in the workplace to describe many components that are important to maintaining a successful business.Examples of this include finances, production, and time. However, one of the most popular applications of the word “balance” used by managers everywhere is the ideology of employees maintaining a good “work/life” balance in order to positively separate their personal lives from their work lives in an effort to improve the individual wellbeing of each employee on the payroll.Did you hear it? In our efforts to improve our work cultures as leaders, did we just try to convince our employees that their families, mental health, physical recovery from the work week, overall wellness, and enjoyment of their lives should be “balanced” with their work?Are we asking our people to value the job the same way they value their time with their children or taking the time to do the things that make them happy? Should those elements of life be equal and “balanced”?This toxic ideology manifests itself in trending phrases that are overused by managers every day in businesses everywhere, such as: our team is like a family.That is, needless to say, kind of weird.“Balance is not better time management, but better boundary management.
3 Major Keys to Having a Great Work Ethic
We are in the age of “instant gratification” and, thanks to the internet, countless forms of ways to “get rich” or become a “millionaire” by doing these things.  With the addition of social media and other platforms that allow the delivery of content to you at your fingertips, it is easier than ever before to become very lackadaisical throughout your day. From consuming content, scrolling through social media, and even creating content for different platforms, can simply turn a “work” day into a “busy” day.  At the same time, some would describe this as being distracted, unmotivated, and even lazy.  I believe that it is the question of work ethic that is taking a hard hit right now and something that we need to address moving forward.  Based on my google search of “the definition of work ethic”, it is defined as the principle that hard work is intrinsically virtuous or worthy of reward.  If you take the literal definition of what work ethic means, you work hard at what you’re doing and you get rewarded for that hard work.  There is no magic trick to it other than simply working hard.  I believe that there are three important keys to having a great work ethic and if you choose to take these and implement them, you can continue to improve in your life, profession, and/or business.  You hear this all the time.  “Do what you love and you won’t work a day in your life”.  Well of course that is true and, for the majority of people out there, they are learning to love what they’re doing because it is what pays the bills and helps them survive.  With that being said, you have to have passion for what you are doing.  By getting up everyday because of your desire to want to be the best at what you are doing in life is going to
5 Ways To Become A Master Communicator
How many of us have ever wanted to become the most valuable person in our profession and/or professional position?As I continue to improve and become a more efficient leader within the automotive industry and sales profession; as a whole, I’ve been fortunate to learn from the best in the business.  This concept of being the most valuable person is centered around becoming a master communicator, one that I train on with my professional and personal mentor, Andy Elliott, who coaches me to this very day.I utilize these five things every day in my professional roles in automotive sales with our customers, staff, and community members as well as being diligent to apply them in my personal life with family, friends, and anyone I say hello to.  I believe that if you take these five things serious; and want to become masterful at communicating, you can become the most valuable person to anyone and everyone that you come into contact with.  This is an area that everyone should want to master and it will create an immediate impact.  Think about it.  Every verbal interaction with another individual is  part of the definition of public speaking, or the “act of speaking face to face to a live audience.” Have you ever said, “Let me rephrase that”, or “Does that make sense”?  When we say either one of those statements, I believe,  it’s because there is a lack of confidence that what we are saying to someone is being understood by the other person/persons.  Do you view yourself as a public speaker?  Do you view what you do as part of a public speaking role?  If you are serious about mastering your communication skills then you have to accept the fact that you are a public speaker first and foremost.  After accepting this, it’s time to