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How to Get Back on Track and Succeed in Life
Is your life spiraling in a downward direction?   Are you challenged with not being as focused as you would like? Are you looking for ways to turn your life around?  Read the following to discover how to get your life back on track, and stay there. At times our lives can turn upside down, spiraling into negativity and then just as quickly can soar positively upwards.  Clearly, we understand where the expression ‘mood swings’ come from.  Life is very much like a roller coaster,  if you like roller coasters. Life is not perfect, never has been, never will be.   We all have ongoing problems in life that need to be dealt with.  The challenge is the amount of emotional, mental & physical energy we spend on these matters that can waste so much of our time & attention.   Let’s break this cycle and learn why the following 10 simple tips to get your life back on track can be so valuable:  10 Ways to get your life back on trackFor those wanting to get their life back on track and recharge quickly I recommend our online course,  “Renew & Recharge’    Find out more at Splendid Inspiration.   https://splendidinspiration.com/pages/personal-rejuvenation-challenge-courseSplendid Inspiration is a Canadian motivational company that offers inspiring tips, blogs, personal development courses & motivating products dedicated to enriching peoples lives.Lori GradleySplendid Inspiration
Making Space For Positive Change: Burn It To The Ground
When I first arrived in Australia from the UK in early 2012, I witnessed the WEIRDEST thing….I was driving along a country back road ‘out bush’, when I noticed the Department of Parks and Wildlife trucks making a roadblock.  A tunnel of thick black smoke filled the hot summer air just beyond them, billowing and undulating aggressively as if it was sent by the Devil himself to annihilate all life on Earth.I stopped at the roadblock, mesmerized by the ferocity of nature, when I saw the weird thing…Men and women, wearing fluorescent yellow onesies were deliberately setting fire to the bushland. Deliberately!They were holding ignitor devices that looked like flame-throwers, casually walking along the roadside, and pouring flames onto the bushland.I was incredulous.Terrified.Angry.“What HOOLIGANS!” I screamed inside my head, slapping my steering wheel.I sat there with my mouth wide open wondering what I should do about the flame-thrower-wielding nut-bags.I could not believe the destruction that was unfolding in front of me.Black smoke billowed into the air, a swarm of Eagles, Kites, and Kestrels circled above, occasionally diving to the smoldering ashes to pick off the fleeing reptiles and rodents.“OMG the animals!!! The plants!” I wanted to run into the fire and save everything.The searing orange flames incinerated the gum trees, grasses and shrubs with every lick, and made the wind swirl like mini-tornadoes around my car making the heat even more unbearable than it already was in my old banger with dodgy air-con. What on earth was going on?? Should I call the Police? Had these Government workers gone rogue? I was about to rage out of my car and perform a multiple citizens arrest, when one of the male flame-throwers politely
Renew your Mind with a Mental Spring Clean
Spring is the season for new beginnings, a time to renew and recharge.  But more importantly just as we do a regular ‘spring clean’ of our home to declutter our personal space we should also be focused on a ‘spring cleanup for our mind’ as well.   After all, it is your mental thoughts that create your life’s destinyDeclutter your mind, what a fabulous idea!  Begin to rid yourself of any negative thoughts and behaviours you have harbored from the past in order to live a fulfilling life now.   Let’s use a seed we plant in the earth as an analogy.  With enough nurturing and care that seed will bloom into a beautiful plant or flower.   However, at the same time if you are not taking care of it weeds will begin to grow and the plant will die off and wither away from a lack of attention. What I do know for a fact is ‘thoughts are things’.    When you plant positive thoughts into your magnificent mind you will create positive outcomes.   Similar to a seed planted in the earth that has a set pattern destined by nature to grow into fruition we also have the ability to materialize into any self image we want thru concentrated effort.   So, like the seed, if your thought is ‘planted’, ‘nurtured’ and cared for those focused thoughts will manifest into physical reality.   Just like the miracle of tulip bulbs that quietly grow beneath the earth surface popping up thru the cold wintry ground they manifest into a beautiful flower.  Well, we can do the very same thing with a proper mindset! You have the ability to pull ‘negative weeds’ from your mind.